Embedded Systems

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Choosing microcontrollers: from 8-bit Arduino to 32-bit ARM Cortex-M chips.

Arduino simplifies prototyping, ARM Cortex M4 exhibits higher processing speeds and also provides additional peripherals.
So how do we choose what controller to use for our embedded system project?


Blinking an LED six different ways: Arduino, STM32, CC1310, CC1350.

LED blinking is a common "Hello World!" of embedded systems and it is a very good entry point to creating more complex embedded systems. In some systems like Arduino, the implementation of LED blinking is very intuitive and comes with a plethora of references. STM32, CC13x0 or bare metal Atmega programming require some different approaches and this article explores these alternatives.
This guide is good for both absolute beginners and those who want to push beyond Arduino.


LCD 1602 - A Very Simple Introduction to Displays.

The user of the embedded system sometimes needs to see some readings from the system or some text entries; and that is when displays become important. From LED displays, to OLED, there are some standards on how to send display signals. Of course some APIs are available for most displays, but sometimes knowing the underlying operational details of the display system can make a difference between displaying "olleH" and "Hello". This article breaks down the technical details of a 1602 dot matrix LCD and how to drive it using Arduino and also bare metal Atmega328P.